AI solutions to decarbonize Transport: Ireland challenge and opportunities

Catherine Lalanne
2 min readOct 10, 2021


Photo by Max Titov on Unsplash

The ‘code red for humanity’ problem

The recent Climate change: IPCC report is ‘code red for humanity’ : fortunately, the European Commission “Fit for 55” plans an ambitious climate target of cutting emissions by at least 55% by 2030, compared to 1990 levels.

According to CO2 Emissions | Energy Statistics In Ireland, Ireland had a 20% Higher CO₂ emissions intensity than European average in 2017.

Looking at the local Irish greenhouse gas emissions, Transport was responsible for a massive 20.3% of Ireland’s greenhouse gas emissions in 2019, according to the Environmental Protection Agency.

2019 greenhouse gas emissions (source: EPA)

But how are we going to cut Transport emissions in such a short-time frame?

We are going to need massive investment, political and individual commitment and innovative, smart solutions: Artificial Intelligence will play a big part!

For the full article, please see

Women in AI (WAI) is a nonprofit org on a mission to increase female representation and participation in AI. First global community of women in AI with 90+ countries and 28 ambassadors, WAI is working to embrace diversity, empower, inspire and educate next generations.

Find out more about the Irish Chapter of Women in AI on Linkedin.


Specifics of Irish Transport emissions

Need to Prioritize


Transport Electrification

Shared “Last Mile” delivery

Remote Working

The Cycling System and other Micro-mobility solutions

Express Public Transport


Mobility As A Service MAAS

Call to action



Catherine Lalanne

Product Manager with keen interest in Tech, AI, Deep Machine Learning , Human Rights, Environment and Progressive and Disruptive ideas in general!